About Us

About Us

NLMJ Technologies is a Telematic Solutions Company

NLMJ Technologies is a premier provider of telematics solutions to a wide range of entities and customers. We offer cutting-edge technology, integrations, and a wide array of services to meet the needs of our clients. Our solutions give users access to real-time monitoring, tracking, electronic logs, and estimated time of arrival (ETA) notifications for their fleets or vehicles – making our services indispensable for those requiring robust and sophisticated logistics solutions. At NLMJTECH, we strive to provide our clients with the utmost innovative technological solutions. We are constantly evolving our services to better fit their needs by developing an app that is beneficial to both children and parents alike. Our product, the TAG School Bus App, is designed to provide both children and their parents with a safe and secure means of transportation. The app sends push notifications directly to the user’s phone when the bus arrives at their pick-up location, departs from the stop, or safely arrives at school. Additionally, parents can also alert the driver of their child’s attendance for added convenience and peace of mind.
In addition to offering traditional telematics services like tracking and monitoring solutions, we are constantly engaging in research and development activities that enable us to stay ahead in an ever-changing industry landscape. We keep up with the latest trends in technology so that our clients can benefit from powerful solutions tailored specifically for them. Our commitment does not stop there; we also maintain regular contact with our customers to ensure that our products remain up-to-date and continue meeting their needs efficiently and effectively over time.
We are passionate about our work and mission to provide leading-edge technology solutions for those who require them most. Through cutting-edge research & development efforts as well as highly experienced teams working day in and day out; we are able to create solutions that meet even the highest demands while still offering competitive prices and excellent customer service. We value customer satisfaction above all else and strive to ensure that every experience with us is positive.
We firmly believe that opportunity has no limits – through innovation, we can create greater convenience, safety, and security on the road for all those involved in transportation services; from parents keeping track of their children’s commute, to fleet operators managing multiple vehicles simultaneously -our goal is provide everyone with peace of mind by making sure they have better control over their journeys on any given day!

Our Mission

Our mission is to become a prominent market leader in the realm of advanced vehicle tracking, GPS tracking, and fleet management solutions along with comprehensive telematics services that enhance our customer’s business growth, puts their lives on ease, and gives them a complete peace of mind. We are committed to encouraging a friendly and fair work environment characterized by mutual respect, accountability, seamless communication, and appreciation for the workforce. In doing so, we aim to give our customers the absolute solutions and strategies they need to thrive while better contributing to the IT industry of our country.

A NLMJ Technology LLC company

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